Friday, December 1, 2006

How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy: A Four-Point Plan

You were so excited to see those first pictures of your new baby. Those wonderful, touching snapshots of mother and child were sure to tug on your heartstrings. You probably did cry a little bit while looking at them, but it's distinctly possible that you had another thought running around in the back of your mind.

"I need to lose some of that weight."

Don't worry, you'll be back to picture-perfect shape before you know it if you approach post-pregnancy weight loss the right way. You can learn how to lose weight after pregnancy by following a few simple recommendations.

First, don't overdo it. William James may have believed that the "road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom," but that sentiment rings hollow when applied to post-baby weight loss. You want to lose the pounds, but you don't need to go overboard to make it happen. You can get extreme results without undertaking an extreme program. Be reasonable in your approach. Consult with your physician about your plans and approach.

Second, remember the basics. The basic principles of weight loss apply to men who eat too many cheeseburgers and to women who have recently given birth. It's always going to be about burning more calories than you take in. That means that you'll need to make appropriate adjustments on the intake side by making smart, nutritional food choices. It also means that you'll need to increase the level of calorie-burning activity in which you engage. If someone is trying to tell you anything else, approach their recommendations with a great deal of skepticism.

Third, stay motivated. Although learning how to lose weight after pregnancy may not be that complicated, staying on track can be difficult. Find role models, motivation and inspiration to keep you going. Some people are able to rally themselves around real-life examples of women who "got the job done." Others may find inspiration in rewards or in motivational materials. You can lose the weight and get back into awesome shape if you choose the right plan and find a way to stick to it.

Fourth, find a plan that will work for you. You may be the kind of person who can "put it all together" for herself, but many women looking to get back into shape after pregnancy find it easier to reach their goals by following the recommendations and advice of a noted expert. Finding a plan that meets all of the other requirements mentioned here may help you "get back to normal" in a hurry! You can access a proven plan for post-pregnancy weight loss and valuable free information from Slim Mom Secrets.

You can learn how to lose weight after pregnancy. You can take that knowledge and put it to work, too. Just don't overdue it, choose methods consistent with good sense, stay motivated and find a plan to help you along!

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